Thursday 20 December 2012

Movie Reviews 1 (Land Of The Dead) 2005

Review of “Land of the Dead”
Film title: Land of the dead                                                                                        Director George  Romero
Year of production: 2005
Genre: horror/action
Brief Plot Outline:
The living dead have taken over the world and humanity survives in a small city and seems to be thriving and they are generally quite horrible to the zombies and see them as a big joke and it seem zombie remember who they are and attack the city.
Which to Scene impressed you the most?
1.            When the zombie Choco attack his boss in a sort of revenge way for not giving him an  place in the nice building instead of the slums

2.            The beginning when all the zombie wander the streets and just gives an eerie vibe from the place because they just wander around as though that what they would do in normal life and they almost seem human and help introduce the chief zombie which we feel sympathy for. 


How has watching the film helped you understand this genre of filmmaking?
This film has help me understand the horror genre for the body horror and all the characters conventions and helps you how to make an effective horror with the locations especially at the beginning
Which features on the genre checklist did you spot in the film? 
Body horror (when the man get his face pulled off/the foot in the boot with no leg attached)

Slow moving monsters (the zombies throughout the film however we seem to root for the zombies and not the people in the city)

Male hero (The Alpha Zombie “big daddy” for he has many features he’s big, he tough and he doesn’t die at the end)

Open ended ending (the majority survive the apocalypse although there is still zombie running around)
Creepy location (The beginning with the dark town full of zombies with the mist and the zombie in their work clothes when they died)

What Aspect would you like to include in your trailer?

The body horror (for the best impact on the audience and to freak them out)

The monster to be the hero (for that will surprise the audience and keep this film in their mind)

What thing do you want to avoid in your trailer?

Too many protagonist (for you can’t connect with the characters as well because there is too many to care about)

Two stories from different characters (because then the audience get confused and try to keep with the character and remember how is how)

The Body horror was one of the best parts of the film because the film was realistic (we can try to do this with other effects)

The characters and their development was good and you got to know and relate with them  (we can do that by properly think about our characters  

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